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Superior Olive, 2001

The Backstage Restaurant
At the Sty
Live, Kpig 107.5 fm studio
At the sty
Kpig Studios Freedom, CA
Joel,Aynsley & Tom
In the Recording Studio
Superior Olive, 2001

The Backstage Restaurant
At the Sty
Live, Kpig 107.5 fm studio
At the sty
Kpig Studios Freedom, CA
Joel,Aynsley & Tom
In the Recording Studio

Aynsley Dunbar
Aynsley Dunbar
What a worker!
Aynsley Dunbar
Live at Pounders
Tom Savell

Tom Savell

Tom Savell , 2001

Tom in the studio
Rough night, huh?
Tom at Halloween
Recording Ziggurat
Tom/Jorge Bermudez

Jorge Bermudez

Jorge w/ Jorge Santana
Recording Ziggurat
Jorge & his toyboxes

Carl Wakeland
The camera must be drunk!
Carl Wakeland
Recording Ziggurat in San Francisco
Carl/Different Fur Studios

Joel Savell

Jacob John Save

Jacob recording
Formerly known as 'Triumphant Star'
Jacob Save/Tom Savell

Tom recording

Carl's Jr.
Chris Wakeland, age 5
Jimmy filling in for Aynsley
Jim Norris,drummer/friend
Nat Carsten, friend
I'm soo wasted!!
Gilbert Good, soundman
Nice dolphin shorts
Tom's 1st band, Karizma